How Electric Vehicles Change the World

Electric cars are the cars that use electricity to power the movement of the vehicle. Electric vehicles came into prominence recently due to the massive concern about the environment and due to the limited supply of oil. Electric cars in the past were negatively viewed by consumers due to the lack of range and the time it took to recharge the vehicle. But in the present with the advancement of technology electric vehicles have become famous due to the low cost and instant and smooth power delivery. Further electric cars have a lesser sound emission which make those vehicles quieter and comfortable to ride in. Let’s look at how electric vehicles will change the world:

  • Reduce Emissions and Pollution-
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This is the main thing that comes to the mind when talking about electric vehicles. Electric vehicles use a battery which can be charged using the electricity which is supplied to our home or else you can use your own solar panels to charge them, which reduces carbon emissions. According to the United States Emission Protection Authority an average passenger vehicle emits around 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Thereby converting one gasoline vehicle to an electric one can reduce emissions by 4.6 metric tons per year. Further if the overall demand for oil decrease the supply will be reduced which will reduce oil spills and other environment pollution activities and accidents.

  • Most Valuable Carmaker Manufacturers Only Electric Cars-
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Recently Tesla became the most valuable automaker in the world during 2020 with a market capitalization of $209.47bn. Even though the number of cars produced is massively low compared to automotive giants such as Toyota, Volkswagen and Renault Tesla became the most valuable automaker due to the massive future market potential of electric vehicles. Tesla cars have amazing performance, and they offer vehicles at reasonable prices. Further the owner Elon Musk is highly involved in technology were his companies such as SolarCity try to generate electricity using renewable sources. This massive market change made Tesla the most valuable carmaker in the world.

  • Instant and Smooth Power Delivery-

If you have driven an electric vehicle you can relate to what I am about to say. The power delivery of electric vehicles is much smoother because they use already stored power, but gasoline vehicles generate power by burning gasoline in the engine. Due to this the power delivery depends on the RPM rate of the vehicle and the gear which the car is in. Even gasoline car manufacturers have integrated electric power to support the engine during RPM ranges where power delivery is low in order to make power delivery smooth. For example hypercars such as the McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder and the Ferrari LaFerrari has electric motors and batteries to improve their performance.

  • Some Countries Provide Tax Benefits-

Some countries in the world have lesser taxes on electric vehicles compared to gasoline vehicles. In USA when purchasing an electric vehicle, a customer can obtain a federal tax credit up to $7500. In Germany there are purchase incentives up to 4000 Euros which is provided 50-50 by the government and the manufacturer. China is the largest market for electric vehicles thanks to the incentives and lesser restrictions by the Chinese government. These examples make it clear that even governments are focused on clean energy and subsidizing electric vehicles.

  • They Require Less Maintenance-

A typical gasoline car would require oil changes and other maintenance frequently due to the use of many moving parts within the engine and the drivetrain. But in an electric vehicle the drivetrain is powered by the battery and it is much simpler and has lesser weak points compared to a gasoline vehicle. So, maintenance of electric vehicles is lower than other vehicles.

  • Electric Vehicles in Motorsports-

Motorsports have contributed massively to the popularity of carmakers and to development of technology for the automotive world. Formula E is a fairly new fully electric motorsport championship which contains teams from leading automakers Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes, Mahindra, Nissan, Porsche and BMW this involvement is an indicator to the commitment of these manufacturers to build electric vehicles which have superior performance. Further McLaren has announced that they will also join this fully electric motorsport championship from 2022. Further even the pinnacle of motorsport F1 have committed on converting the use of combustion engine to electric motors in the long-term. F1 is the fastest regulated cars in motorsports and they currently use electric motors (In their hybrid drivetrain) to achieve fast accelerations and they generate electricity while braking which is known as Regenerative brakes. Later this technology has been incorporated to road cars as well. So, it is clear that electric vehicles and their technology has changed the motorsports world as well.

  • Electric Hypercars

Hypercars are known to be the most exclusive cars which can be bought by an individual. For example, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder and the Ferrari LaFerrari are some hypercars which use hybrid drivetrains. In the present there are fully electric hypercars such as the Rimac C_two, Pininfarina Battista, and Lotus Evija. These hypercars boasts 1000+ horsepower and they can accelerate from 0-100kmh(62mph) in less than 3 seconds. The hypercars in the present have incorporated electric technologies to make exclusive cars which have superior performance.

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So, my dear car enthusiasts it is clear that we have look forward and embrace the new technology which will make our cars much faster. Electric cars are eco-friendly, cost efficient, and even the motorsport world has embraced it. So, I invite my fellow car lovers to give electric vehicles a chance.

P.S.- TBH I’ll miss the roaring sound of the V12, V10 and the V8s but what to do let’s embrace the new world because electric cars are good for the planet and for the human survival.  



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